Hotel Aichi

The menu and payment options for LEGOLAND Hotel Room Service

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If you are planning to stay at the LEGOLAND Hotel, but your children are small and you want to have dinner in your room slowly and don't need so much quantity, you may be wondering about room service at the LEGOLAND Hotel.

I was also wondering about room service since my children are still small (4 and 1 years old).

This article will tell you more about Legoland Hotel's room service menu and how to pay for it.

Overall, LEGOLAND Hotel's room service food is reasonably priced and easy to use, and I recommend this service for those who want to eat in the comfort of their room.

By the way, I have been in the travel industry for about 20 years. I have always researched and used various services and trends in travel, both for business and personal use.

I also stayed in a Pirates Premier Room at the LEGOLAND Hotel and used room service for dinner.

Based on this experience, I will provide you with a clear description of the LEGOLAND Hotel's room service menu and payment methods.

By reading this article, you will know what room service at LEGOLAND Hotel is like.


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LEGOLAND Hotel Room Service Menu

*The menu list is for 2022 and the following reflects the latest rates.



Ham and Cheese Sandwich ¥1,200



Chef's Salad with Grilled Vegetables S¥1,200  L¥1,650



Camembert Cheese with Melba Toast ¥900



Pasta Bolognese ¥1,400
Chef's Special Pasta ¥2,150


Japanese Food

TERIYAKI Chicken Rice Bowl with Miso soup ¥1,400


Japanese food is served with Japanese rice. A separate service charge will be added to the listed price.



How to make a room service reservation at LEGOLAND Hotel

How to make a room service reservation at LEGOLAND Hotel is very easy. Just press the "Room Service" button on the phone.

Once connected to the front desk, you will then receive a call back from the restaurant that will be serving your food, and you can place your order.

The food was delivered to our room about 10-15 minutes after we placed the order.



Room service hours at the Legoland Hotel

In October 2022, when I stayed at the hotel, room service hours were from 17:00 to 21:00.

The hours may change depending on the day you stay, so be sure to check.I was given a piece of paper with hotel information when I checked in.



When do I pay for room service at Legoland Hotel?

Room service at the Legoland Hotel is paid when the food is delivered.

In order to reduce the number of check-out procedures, they do not provide room service.

At LEGOLAND hotel, you must pay each time you use hotel services such as room service and restaurants.

Payment can be made by either cash or credit card. I paid by credit card.



Here are the dishes I actually ordered from room service at LEGOLAND Hotel

Pasta Bolognese

I ordered Pasta Bolognese.

The flat pasta is well mixed with tomatoes and minced meat! The pasta had a rich flavor with plenty of cheese on top.


I was surprised at how authentic the pasta was.


Teriyaki chicken bowl with miso soup

My husband chose the teriyaki chicken bowl with miso soup.


A lot of teriyaki chicken on top of rice. The green onion and shiso leaf condiments served with it did a good job.

Miso soup was served with red miso soup stock, just like in Nagoya.


Everything seemed too much for the children, so we asked if they could make onigiri (rice balls), which were not on the menu, but they said they could not provide dishes that were not on the menu.

It seems that the previous room service had onigiri, but as of October 2022, they were gone.

Although we would have liked to see a few more dishes on the menu, the overall impression we got was that the food at Legoland Hotel's room service was reasonably priced and accessible.

The drink menu was also listed, but the drinks seemed a bit expensive.



Summary (What is the menu and payment options for LEGOLAND Hotel Room Service?)

In this article, we have introduced the room service of LEGOLAND Hotel.

Overall, the room service food at LEGOLAND Hotel is reasonably priced and easy to use, and is recommended for those who want to eat slowly in their rooms.


If you want to spend a relaxing time at LEGOLAND Hotel, why not order it once?


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-Hotel, Aichi